пятница, 24 февраля 2017 г.


Нашла соратницу по духу и наклонностям. Тоже дама занимается вывязыванием квилта.
Очень мне понравился её мульти-мотив. И тоже вижу тут метод состыковки.Только у неё ещё и встречный метод состыковки использован. Это даже сложнее, чем стыковать, набрав от широкой основы(это то, как я делала).

Sunday 09/20/2015, 8:30 am - 11:30 am

Skill Level

Class Hours

Myra Wood

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Knit a Quilt with Myra Wood
Many traditional quilt designs can be easily translated into knitting. In this unique workshop you will create quilt blocks and learn how to arrange them in different patterns to create an heirloom knit quilt. You'll learn how to take a traditional quilt block and knit it in different colors and yarns. The sky's the limit with this incredible technique! 

Two balls of different, highly contrasting, #4 (worsted-weight) yarns that complement each other, approximately 50 yards each; 4.5 mm/US7-16-24" CIRCULAR needles, 2 removable stitch markers.

Sharp scissors, notebook, pen or pencil with an eraser, stitch markers, blunt tapestry needles (large and small), flexible tape measure, small calculator, and needles & crochet hooks of various sizes. 

Using US 7 needles and either worsted weight yarn: CO 1 st, kfb (knit front and back), turn, kfb, k1 and turn. On EVERY row, kfb first st and knit to end of row until there are 14 sts on the needle. Cut a 5" tail and leave on needles.

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