воскресенье, 28 февраля 2021 г.

Узоры из перекрученных петель.

 Нетрадиционно выполненные араны.


Узор-''Змейки из перекрученных петель''



2--Узор-''Росток из перекрученных петель''





четверг, 18 февраля 2021 г.

Узоры плетёночные и арановые.

 Узор-Жгутик змеевидный

 Узор-Коса слабозаплетённая




 Узоры-Пустая клетка и Смещённая клетка


Узор-Колосок Пенсильвании

Узор-Косички из плетёнки

Узор-Жгут с колоском в центре.



 Узор-Плетешки и крестики


 Узор-Жгутик из скрещенных протяжек


Узор-Плетёночный флирт






Узор-Плетёнка на сеточке


Узор-Ненавязчивые ромики









суббота, 6 февраля 2021 г.



I had a negative experience with this clinic, and I want to share my conclusions about their service

First of all, this clinic:

 1-not for poor people
 2-not for owners of several animals, for example, if you need to treat several cats or dogs at once, be ready to leave this clinic, devastated in terms of money.
 3- Be prepared for the fact that doctors and clinic staff will not even make an extra move for your pet, before you pay the entire payment in advance.

I want to tell you about my experience with the Castle Shannon veterinary hospital and to introduce you their prices and service.


My 5 cats were coughing and sneezing for a few days a row, and I thought it was just a cold. Their condition worsened on Saturday morning, January 23, 2021. I decided to go in for an emergency appointment with all my cats.

I called the Castle Shannon clinic and asked about the price. They told me - $130 for each cat for examination.

When I arrived at the clinic, I begged the doctor to treat my cats at the lowest possible cost. Since I am not rich, and I have five of them. I asked the doctor, though not to let them die today, and then I will solve the problems further, as they come. I also told the doctor that my income allows me to pay for the treatment of cats at their clinic only once, for their high cost.

The doctor said - ''I will try to lower the price for you, as much as possible, because you have 5 cats''.

From that moment on, I completely relied on the decency and understanding of the doctor. But what was the result? I'll tell you now. 

After about 40-45 minutes of all tests and examinations I asked doctor-how much my visit will  cost me? And she said-close to 1000 dollars (it was said very clearly!) I answered -''That's a lot, but I can handle it''.

She disappeared for 10 minutes, then came back and told me the EXACT price: 850 dollars. I was very happy with the price.

Then she disappeared again for about 15 minutes-and another person came into the room with all the medicine for my cats and gave me the total price of 1890 dollars.

I said-''NO! This will kill me financially, I'm not sure, I even have this much money ''.

 The woman answered-''The medicine has already been packed for you''.It also was said-''no return on meds''.

 Then again, my cats were in bad condition, and it was Saturday, so I had no choice.

 I wanted to talk to Dr. Robin again. She came into the room and said-''You just heard me wrong, I told you the 1800, not 850.

 I don't have a hearing problem! At first, she was talking about 1000, then 850 dollars.

Then Dr. Paterson told me a different version. She said:'' I probably meant this price without all the meds''.(The question is: Why tell a client the price, without all the meds???I asked the price-FOR MY VISIT!)

My head was clouded, I couldn't understand anything, as if I was under anesthesia.

 I had to give them all of my money,I saved for several years.

 Yes, I looked at all document they gave me,but I didn't undestand anything. I was under the affected and shocked. I dont' remember -how I left clinic...

My partner was waiting for me in my car. He looked at me and said: ''You are as pale as a dead woman. Sit a little bit, then start to drive''.

I made the following conclusion: tricky, cloudy, incomprehensible; prices can change several times during the visit, of course, upward.  

When I came home and looked carefully through all the paperwork, I was shocked for a second time.

Maropitant Cerenia (just nasal drops),-they gave it to me for $ 144.15 and I found it for $ 21.62 on the net. Their doxycyllin was almost twice more expensive, then any other places!


I was extremely surprised by what she wrote in her assessment of the medical history of my cats ... The doctor not only twisted some of my words inside out, but also added fables. 
 I'll tell you everything in order.  
 For example, doctor said-I  using milk as a remedy for worms. That's craziness !
 I tried to tell her something completely different about milk...
 She either did not understand me, or she did it on purpose to make me look like an idiot in front of another veterinarian.(Shortly before that, I said that I was not happy with their rates and service, and will be leaving ).
 Second example: Doctor said-I modify anti-flease drops, before I put it on my cats?!
 This is a completely personal fantasy of the doctor. I didn't tell her anything like that?!
Even if I want to modify it-that's simply impossible. How can you modify a single dose inside a tube???All what I'm doing-just squeeze it on my cats.
The conversation was:
DR:-where you buying anti-flease drops?
Me:-at ''Tractor Supply'' store.
dr:-you should 'not do that, because they sell you a  a poison, that is harmful to the health of your pets.
Dr:-you have to buy it only at doctor office or veterinary clinics, because it brand, good and not dangerous for the pets.
 Considering the fact that the doctor wrote all this nonsense, right after I expressed dissatisfaction with the prices, service and especially the duration of the tests - (tests were prepared for 6 days and one of my cats died without waiting for a diagnosis. And although I specifically I don't blame anyone for her death - six days for the lab tests-stilll too long for an emergency visit).
This assessement really doesn't matter to me, I just want to worn you from the same situation.
 If you, God forbid!, disagree with her on something, argue,refused to buy things from them, or you are simply dissatisfied with the price,- she will certainly  punish you . How?
 She will give you the worst characterization in the evaluation section, in the description of your pet's medical history. Thus, you will look bad in the eyes of another veterinarian if you decide to go with this medical history to another clinic.
 In my opinion, her assessment  characterizes client more, than the pet and whole situation.(I will show the whole thing later in my blog).
I plan to attach her assesement as file to my story in my blog first (by this way they can't say-I distort the fact). And then it will spread all around the internet.
I believe, that the ''Ttractor Supply'' should be aware, that the clinic is spreading false information about their products in an attempt to move their own business forward ...
 First of all, who would have allowed ''Tractor Supply'' to sell poison for cats? (They would have already been in prison and would have lost their business long ago) 
 Secondly: yesterday, during my visit to another clinic, I asked this question to another veterinarian:
'' Is it true, that drops from''Tractor Suppy'' are harmful to the health of cats?''
 And this other doctor answered very clearly and distinctly:
''No, that's not true. The ''Tractor Supply'' sells you certified medicines, that do not threaten the life of animals!''
 And I believe to him, because he is a real doctor-veterinarian, while the employees of the Castle Shannon clinic are, first of all,- business people .
 Mr.Business is marching ahead of everything there, and only number two is the care and treatment of animals.  
 Their prices are more expensive than at all other places. They can change your price several times, during the appointing, of course, upward!
They can also say the price in separate parts (for medicines, for tests, for examination) - and then at the very end they will shock you with the total price.
 That is why it is necessary to ask again and again, several times: what is included in the price that you named? how much will you charge for medicines?, how much for tests?. write everything down and check it several times.
 You should also be aware that you will have to wait for your pet's lab tests, possibly up to 10 days. For such a period it is quite possible to die. Our testa were ready on the dayN6 and One of my cats died without waiting for an accurate and correct diagnosis. 
And although I do not specifically blame anyone for her death, but who knows, if the test was ready quickly, like an emergency test, maybe my girl would be more fortunate ...
 Probably it is better to call  in other several clinics and clarifying the terms for lab tests. Maybe somewhere there is faster in time?

When I came to the door of the clinic with a dead cat (to show them the result of their treatment), none of the doctors even came out to meet me. They sent me 2 staff to investigate. It was the fourth day of treatment for my cats, so far the lab tests were not ready, which means that the doxycillin treatment was blind, just in case. There was no exact diagnosis. I said:'' I paid you almost $ 2000 - what did you do for my pets for this price ???'' They just shook their heads. I asked to continue rescuing my other four cats who were still alive, but there was no improvement. The treatment was not completed. I was told that they would only do this if I will continue to pay them further. I asked: ''What to do if at the moment I no longer have money, I gave you all of it. Really let the cats die?'' The workers are answering - ''Yes, just let them die.'' -------------------

 Fortunately, the rest of the cats got out, they are alive. But not at all because the clinic helped a lot. They were just lucky. The lab tests were not ready until the sixth day. (They call themselves emergency animal care) -------------------------- Clinic's employees and doctors are spoiled with big money, they do not concentrate on details, they forget to call you, they forget to give you things. You must constantly call them yourself, seek, ask, remind ... If you ask the manager, then she is either busy or is not in the clinic (and they have no idea when she will be), or they are not comfortable giving you the schedule of the manager, in order to find out when she will come; they also do not give her contacts. --------------------------- This is my worst experience visiting vet. clinics over the past 20 years. Wouldn't recommend to anyone!
 Before leaving their clinic, look carefully again to see if the price of the treatment included any unnecessary items, such as cat food. Sometimes this item looks like an encrypted code, and it can be mistaken for a medicine. Also pay attention to the price of this cat food. It can several times overlap the price of the same product in stores.
 This is exactly what happened to me.  
 No, I didn’t like the prices, the service, the timing of the tests, or the doctor! Miss Paterson has a charming smile; but do not lose your guard over a beautiful smile .This does not guarantee anything!
When I came home, I started to thoroughly check the paperwork. 



 The next day only I understood - it was the price of the cat food!!!They included it in the price of treatment and each jar cost more than $ 3.5. While in the store I can buy the same one for 70 cents!

 The staff brought me cat food and paperwork, (with already included price for the cat food- in treatment) - at the same time.

 No one even ask me- if I wanted to buy something from them?



 The Clinic is engages in real fraud, trying to impose on you the most various goods, for a huge price!

For example, when doctor
found out that I was buying flea drops in the TRACTOR  SUPPLY store - she said that they were selling me a poison that is harmful to the health of the cat. Thus, I have to buy this medicine only from them. 


In the begginning of my appoitment I told doctor-I'm not rich,I have multi-cats and may afford treatment in IN THEIR CLINIC-only once.Pls, help my pets for minimum price, as possible.Just don't let them die.Second time I can't come here, I will go some place'else.

The doctor promised to meet me halfway,  minimize the appointment visit, and provide me with the lowest bill possible.
  As a result, clinic sold me medicines at a mark-up of 2.5-3 times (versus other places) + unexpected cat food!

 Of course, I was stupid for not asking for their med's prices ahead of time! but I completely relied on the decency and understanding of the doctor.

The reason why I'm writing this is: I just want to warn you from making the same mistake, that I did. 

1-Be careful with this clinic! Think very well before you pick the Castle Shannon clinic!

2-And if you have no choice (if it is the weekend and your pets can't wait till Monday),-then ask the price for every medicine in their clinic, what they are offering you,- before they pack it for you! Ask for price list.

 3-Please, check everything several times, before you leave their office!
  don't let them sell you a ''pig in a poke'',  in the face of cat food or other unnecessary item. Check and re-ask several times,especially, pay attention at the price of that!

5-If it isn't an absolute desperate situation - always better ask for a prescription and buy meds yourself at some other place.

Otherwise, this clinic will bleed you dry, as far as money is concerned.

Especially now, when, due to COVID-19, you cannot even take a second person with you as a witness. They only let one person inside. And especially if your pets have a dire condition, they will certainly use it to their advantage. 

 I want to clarify that my cats were treated by a young doctor- ROBIN  TOLMER PETERSON, who has just a charming smile! But do not lose your vigilance, because of a beautiful smile! That isn't garantee anything!


Unpleasant stories with Castle Shanon Clinic continue.
My name is Yelena and I'm making this comment from my partner's account; because you may write only one comment from your own account.
The clinic staff refuse to give us a refund for one of the packs of doxycillin, (cost $ 34). They assure us that they returned everything they should have returned to us, but this is actually not true. I ask you very much to respond to my email address -yelima64@yahoo.com ,if you had a similar situation with this clinic, namely: 1-they were stalling with a refund 2-they returned not everything to you, but only a part of the money or medicines. It will be difficult for  to prove my case without witnesses. Although my partner will partly be my witness, who was waiting for me inside of my car during the whole appointing. When I got back into the car, I showed him all the medications the clinic had given me; we even counted the number of syringes with him.
However, other witnesses of such outrages in the clinic, too, would not hurt. Soon, I will be writing a complaint to the best business bureau about their dishonest business. I ask those who are faced with the ignorance of this clinic to respond. Thanks!